Outreach Announced!

Aloha! I’m currently writing from Kona, Hawaii, where we are one week away from the half way point of our lecture phase in the School of Worship at Youth With A Mission (University of the Nations).

Every week, we host a speaker who speaks on a specific topic regarding missions and worship. It’s really helpful to hear from people of different nations and cultures; because everyone brings a beautiful facet of God’s personality and character to light.

Week 1: Intro / vision / history / SOW storyline

The stories of simple obedience in saying yes to God was what captivated me during this week. Whether it was to start a school, to hand off the school to someone else, or to build a prayer room, people have said yes and obeyed the Lord; and there is now much fruit from humans simply agreeing with what God had on His heart in that time and season.

Week 2: Intimacy and vulnerability

The takeaway I received from this week was engaging with the Lord through using my physical body and deepening Neural pathways of connecting with God using this method.

Week 3: Songwriting

I was encouraged and felt validated to know I’m on the right lane of thinking when I write and write and write, even if it’s a song I don’t necessarily like or want to publish. Much of being a writer is writing. Much of being a songwriter is writing songs. It really can be that simple to begin.

Week 4: Identity and freedom

The Lord highlighted His steadiness, His authority over everything, and reminded me of the freedom He’s given me.

Week 5: Spiritual Warfare, Prayer, and Intercession

I am looking forward to this next week, as we have someone from IHOPKC coming to share with us about spiritual warfare and prayer and intercession. This is something I want to pursue more, especially in establishing communities of worship across the globe. For some, it may look like a house church or living room worship. For others, it may look like Wednesday night youth group. Perhaps for some, it’s a house of prayer being birthed in a community. Whatever it may look like, I want to help birth worship in communities who are hungry for more of God.

I don’t fully know what this looks like, but I’m praying for clarity and understanding on this in the future.


I get to attend a special Oral Bible Translation Training a few of the days this week, because I am on the OBTF (Oral Bible Translation Facilitation) Team and we get to pioneer this first group in the Himalayas!

We’ll be supporting the team from mid December to mid March, and we’ll have a debrief at the end (which I’m very happy about, as it’s helpful and healthy to process everything together as a team!)

I wanted to update you, as I know you’ve been asking about outreach and where we’re going! If you have any specific prayers or verses that come to mind, please let me know. We’re praying together as a team and already feel the Lord is speaking to us about a few specific things.

I’m in the midst of raising the rest of the funds for outreach, and I need $2,000 by November 11th. I am praying for 8 more people to join my J Team! If you’d like to be a part, please message me or feel free to give online!

Thank you for thinking of me, for praying, and for reaching out to stay connected! It’s helpful to hear from you and to remain updated about what’s happening with you!

With love,

Morgan ♥️☺️

The Brilliance – Brother

“When I look into the face of my enemy, I see my brother…”

The Good Christian Music Blog

Genre: Worship, Indie, Acoustic

Gentle, smooth and thoughtful simplicity met with beautiful harmonies and excellent production makes this track from The Brilliance a true masterpiece of contemporary worship.

For more info on The Brilliance visit:

Purchase ‘Brother’ from iTunes:
United Kingdom:
United States of America:

When I look into the face
Of my enemy
I see my brother
I see my brother

When I look into the face
Of my enemy
I see my brother
I see my brother

Forgiveness is the garment
Of our courage
The power to make the peace
We long to know
Open up our eyes
To see the wounds that bind
All of humankind
May our shutter hearts
Greet the dawn of life
With charity and love

Follow The Good Christian Music Blog on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/TheGCMblog

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“You Keep on Keeping Me” – Travis Greene

Worship is warfare.

Music is a powerful way to keep our focus on Jesus.

What is the “theme song” of your life right now?
What Truth are you meditating on?

What song has the Lord been highlighting to you repeatedly that you can sing over and over to Him to keep your focus on Jesus?

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:8

Meditating With Music

Sunday School Basics … holler at the 90’s! 
“Father Abraham had many sons/ many sons had Father Abraham/ I am one of them and so are you, so let’s just praise the Lord..”

“Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world/ red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight/ Jesus loves the little children of the world!”

Were you able to sing along to these old school songs?
I remember growing up in Sunday School singing these songs, and I can STILL remember them AND the actions!

Music is a memorization tool!
MUSIC is one of the best TOOLS I’ve found to help me remember something, and I know I’m not the only one who has moments of forgetfulness… we’ve all asked someone their name only to forget it later and then we have to figure out some classy way for them to tell us again. The worst is when we are trying to be smooth asking them to spell it out for us and it ends up being obvious.
“How do you spell your name again?
“Bob? Well, it’s just like it sounds… B-O-B. Bob.”
“Ha! (embarrassed laugh…do I have enough time to make a joke out of this?) Right! Phonics wasn’t my best subject… (moving on)”

Haha! Whether it’s learning names, dates, history, facts, or things I just want to remember, making up a groovy rhyme and rhythm helps me remember it.

This is one of the many reasons why music is a big way I can connect with the Lord. Because of this, I wanted to share this groovy song with you guys! It’s stock full of Truth and has a sweet rhythm and melody. Love it! I learned some 7th chords from this song.
Enjoy and I pray it gets in your head and that the Truth infuses your brain!

New Music!

One of the most exciting things to me is finding new music!

I’ve been able to soak and meditate in the Truth of this song, and sometimes music is too good to not share! I pray this blesses you, and that you can rest in the Truths of this song as well!


Lyrics & Chords: Rather Look At You by Bryce Anderson

More Info
The writer: Bryce Anderson. Click here to read his blog, listen to music, and read his bio!
The singer: Jordan Marcotte. Check out his music on iTunes.

Hand in hand we go

I read this article, thought it was precious, and then was reminded of the faithfulness, steadfastness, and the connectedness Jesus has, as the Bridegroom, for His Beloved (all Believers). It’s the whole idea of Jesus, the Bridegroom, being overwhelmed with love for His Bride, the Church.


And this I know, with my hand in Yours
You will lead me over the mountain
Through the valley to your fountains that never run dry

You have won my heart