Praying & Fasting on 1/11/22

On the 11th of every month, we will pray and fast, praying from Malachi 1:11, that the Lord’s name would be great among the nations.

We will fast as the Lord leads. Perhaps He puts it on our hearts to fast from social media, to fast from lunch, or to take a 15 minute break to pray for a certain nation He’s placed on our hearts. Whatever it looks like, we have the opportunity to partner with the Lord and to love Him in this way.

Today, on January 11th, I am praying from Malachi 1:11, and I am focusing on Brazil and on the United States.

“For My name will be great among the nations, from the rising of the sun to its setting. Incense and pure offerings will be presented in My name in every place because My name will be great among the nations,” says Yahweh of Hosts. – Malachi 1:11

I thank You that the nations are on Your heart. Even when talking to Abraham way back when, You had the nations on Your heart and You wanted to make Yourself known in every place. You are the Creator of the Universe, the One who made all the nations, the One who loves us all perfectly and perfectly well. You are great, and we love You!

We want to bless Your heart and partner with You by praying that Your Name is made known in every country, people, place, language, in every dialect, and that every person knows Your glory.

God, we ask specifically for America and for Brazil. We ask that You would bless the United States with a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. Would You release Your love that is undeniable? Would You release Your love that surpasses boredom, that surpasses distraction, that pierces the heart and lets us know that we can be fully alive in You? God, would You wake up America and have intimacy with the Church, the people of God, in the United States? God, thank You for Your heart. Thank You that You have a plan and a future for America. Thank You that You are on Your throne, and that You love Your people well. Help America receive Your love, in Jesus’ Name.

God, we also ask for Brazil. We ask that this nation would fully operate in it’s design of knowing You, loving You in it’s own language and culture, and receiving everything You have for it. We ask that Brazil would be a nation that diversely represents who You are. We ask that Brazil would show many different facets of Your face, of Your character, of Your beauty. We ask that You would be made known widely, and that the Covenant of Your Love and the Truth of Your Word would reign freely and run and be prosperous, not returning void; and instead that Your Word would be fruitful in all ways!


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