Praying & Fasting 2/11/22


What: Praying & Fasting
Why: Jesus is the desire of the nations, and He desires the nations to know and love Him
When: Every 11th of the month
Where: Wherever you are. It’s a global invitation to everyone in the world to partner with the heart of the Father for the nations of the world.

*You can choose to pray for countries that the Lord has put on your heart. Today I am praying for Brazil, Canada, and Albania.

I am praying over Machado (our city), in Minas Gerais (the state) in Brazil, and specifically over Colegio Alianca, the school where Kelli and I are currently English teachers!

This is a view of Machado, a city that Jesus loves and wants to inhabit.


We ask that You would have Your will and Your way in Machado. I ask for the gift of hunger here. I ask that we, in Machado, would become more hungry for knowing You, that we would desire You above any other thing. We are asking that You would pour out a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, Jesus, and that You would open the eyes of our heart. We ask that You would root us and establish us in Love, in Yourself, because You are Love. Help us to grasp how wide and long and high and deep Your love is. Give us an understanding of love that surpasses knowledge. Fill us to the full measure of who You are, Lord. Even in our lack of understanding, thank You for meeting us where we are. Thank You that You want to be with us. We want more of You and are excited for what You have for Machado. Help us to see and know when You’re doing something new here, Lord. Help us to partner with You!



We pray from Ephesians 3, that Canada would be strengthened with power through the Holy Spirit. We ask that You would strengthen the Church in Canada. You love Your body. You love Your Church. We ask for bravery and courage for the Fellowship in Canada, that they would have a holy boldness like no other. That there would be a new courage You’re pouring out in the Church in this country. I ask that their roots would be deep, like a tree, planted by streams of water. I ask that they would be refreshed and strengthened in knowing Your Truth. May Your Truth set them free, Father.



Would You give the Church in Albania a Spirit of wisdom and revelation? We ask that You would mark them with Your beauty, that they would be in awe and wander of who You are, and that they would have understanding of the book of Revelation. I ask that You would give them knowledge about Your throne room, and about what’s happening there, even right now. Would You pour out Your Spirit in Albania and connect with the Believers there in a new and fresh way? I ask that You would mature the body there, that they would become strong leaders, ready to give their lives for You, Jesus, willing and ready to share the Gospel with any passersby. Strengthen Your Church in Albania, Abba.


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